Wednesday 5 November 2008

Sammy and Hammy in their little puddle

Sammy the sad seastar lived alone in a little patch of water. He had no social life, not even his best friend Plankton. However, Sammy didn't know one little fact, which might explain his loneliness. For he shouldn't have been called a seastar, but a puddle star. Yes, it's true my friends, Sammy the seastar lived in a puddle. How a seastar gets to a puddle is beyond me, but it's true. Sammy pondered about getting a new best friend, for he just sat on Plankton. As he pondered, he heard ' clippety-clop, clippety-clop'. Suddenly a big shiny thing fell into HIS water and crushed his TV. Sammy was distraught for that TV had cost him 6 coral. As Sammy was grieving for his TV, he heard a deep voice say, "Hi, I'm Hammy the Hammer". Sammy was so happy, because he finally had someone to talk to. They immediately became BFFs.

For Sammy and Hammy, it was a happy ending.

image from:


Sean Lisa said...

i loved it :)
with the 3 words, you made a very good story out of it.

}}i{{ Alex said...

Wow, this is good! :)
"How a seastar gets to a puddle is beyond me..." - my feelings, exactly.