Wednesday 12 November 2008

My most vivid memory from Kindergarten

The "High Gate House Kindergarten" was a small building with a little open-air play area. I went there 3 times a week, on a little yellow and purple school bus, where I learnt that I always have to put on my seat belt. It was a special day that day, it was the day before the Easter holidays and I knew that something special was bound to happen. When we arrived at school, I was the first one out of my seat and ready to run into school. When I walked in, it was like bunny paradise. The room was filled with baby yellow, baby blue and lavender streamers, pictures of bunnies were stuck on the wall and there were little baskets with scrunched up tissue, lined on the table. I put my bag onto my hook and walked over to the baskets. When all of us were sat down, the teacher told us that we were going to have an Easter egg hunt. My heart beat faster and faster. I couldn't contain my joy. The hunt started, I grabbed my basket and ran around the room. Within the first 5 minutes, I'd found 4 eggs and wanted more. I found another 3 eggs and started to look around and see how many the other kids had. I walked past a boy named Luke, he started crying because he hadn't found any eggs. I gave him 2 of my eggs, of course I thought that I had a gazillion eggs, not just 7. Five minutes later, the Easter bunny was here. I couldn't wait to go home and tell my mum. I watched the Easter bunny go out the door, and through the glass window in the door, I saw him take his head off, an old man was under the bunny head. He took out a cigarette and started walking away. Suddenly, all the joy in my little heart was gone. I didn't want the eggs anymore. I just wanted to go home.
That was the sad day, when I found out that the Easter bunny wasn't real.

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